Bastiaan Stoker works between the worlds of art, design and technology to create thought provoking objects and installations using an absurdist approach.
Born in 1993 in The Hague, he studied Industrial Design at ROC Mondriaan and graduated in 2013. After that, he studied briefly studied ArtScience at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague and later at Design Academy Eindhoven, graduating in 2020 from the Public Private department.
His graduation project ‘Dennis the Desklamp’ was showed at the DAE Graduation Show 2020, Dutch Design Week 2020, at Kazerne as part of the ‘Impromptu Mini Graduation Show’ in Eindhoven and at ‘The Lost Graduation Show 2021’ at Salone del Mobile Supersalone in Milan.

Dennis the Desklamp @ The Lost Graduation Show at Salone del Mobile 5 - 10 sep 2021
Dennis the Desklamp @ Verboden Aanraking YAF expo 11 - 28 feb 2021
Dennis the Desklamp @ Impromptu Mini Graduation Show in Kazerne 1 nov 2020 - 18 jan 2021
2020 - Design Academy Eindhoven, Public Private
2019 - Troika internship
2019 - Studio Ilio internship
2014 - ArtScience KABK (not finished)
2013 - Industrial Design ROC Mondriaan
2013 - Arend Groosman internship +31642762244 Insta/basstoker